Before it was Cool…

I said that to say this… my short hair was in NO way a response to Amber Rose. I was bald headed while she was still dancing for bands.

Okay, but honestly I wrote this, cause while I’m not doing some crazy diet, get skinny shit for the summer, I have lost quite a few pounds that I’m excited for. I realized that just a shift in my diet has caused pounds to kinda fall off. So, I wanted to share some of my successes with you, and what I’m currently doing. Back to bullet bullets!

1. I changed my attitude about how I look… while this is still a journey, I’m beginning to find more beauty in being big and curvaceous. I follow visuals on Facebook, Instagram, and PinIntrest, of people who celebrate their size. I also have affirmations on my mirror, reminding me to love me. I’ll never be hella skinny. We can see with my chest and leg size, it ain’t gonna happen. LoL. But that’s okay, and maybe skinny isn’t for all of us… and that’s also okay. I actually just want an apple bottom, and I’m’ working on that (okay, maybe saying up, but same difference, right?). LoL

2. I stopped drinking alcohol during the week, and actually no more than like Friday. If I go out, out, then I’ll grab a beer, but I no longer keep alcohol in my house. An now, when I go out, often there is no drinking, so I drink my Fridays and maybe another day in the weekend. Then no more. I’ve noticed my stomach has flattened and my chins are gone. Just from alcohol and, okay, the dietary change.

3. My dietary change. Man, I’m not sure how this goes, but I cut out carbs and sugars. Now, I eat meat, only dark veggies and fruit. I have one teaspoon of sugar in my coffee, and no other. I cook all my food, fry MAYBE once every few months, and cook in only olive oil. My skin has cleared up, cramps lessened, I’m more regular, I feel energetic, and people often shave 4 years off while guessing my age… not bad!

4. On that same note as the diet, I also don’t feel guilty when I do “break” the rules. If I want cookies, I’m going to eat them. If I want pizza, I’m going to eat it. I’m not on a diet, I’ve made dietary changes. I be damned if I’m not going to live because I wanna frozen yogurt or the Dominican coconut candies. I have no health problems, just want to be healthy, but mentally healthy is also important, and how I view food. It’s not the devil, just about moderation.

5. Boy has my water intake increased. I now make my own vitamin water, so I drink 800mL (27+ oz., 3.3 cups) just a lunch now. That doesn’t include the morning glasses I drink, or large water bottle by my bed… While it does mean I make HELLA trips to the bathroom, I know I’m getting it in. My biggest “complaint” is that I’m way too chipper in the morning now, cause energy my body is saving from not having to burn and break down garbage. LoL


My fun with water
My fun with water

6. In general, I invest more time in myself. While for work… I don’t care, anything outside of work, I make sure I have a little makeup on and some gloss. Just so I’m always presenting myself… nicely. While I haven’t been able to do the hoochie mama get up… I can show a little more skin and try to wear a little tighter.

7. While I’ve attempted the monthly challenges, I don’t get the same results as the picture… but I have seen results. I’m doing things at home. I’m going to start Zumba with a student and her family, I’m still playing football running laps, walking to practice, doing my own workouts… I actually see more results now then I did when I had a gym membership. Just saying.

In general,  the biggest lesson I’ve learned is to be happy with who you are… I think. You can only be you. If you begin to hate food, or deny yourself of things you want… it usually backfires. You find yourself unable to just live, and actually living for the diet. I’ve slimmed and trimmed, while cooking and eating awesome food, with fresh ingredients. When I wanna snack, I snack… but now, I don’t stuff myself, I throw shit away or put it out. I’m honest about what I do and it’s effects. If I did things with more focus, would it make a bigger difference, hell yeah… but that comes in stride. Right now I want to love me in every stage and not rush to the other… so far its been good. Although not everyone always agrees, many have no clue how far I’ve come.

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